I HAVE just spent a few days in York Hospital and experienced first hand just what incredible people we have working on our behalf in the NHS.

My short stay was on ward 22 AMU, which I believe is an assessment ward, and in the room where I was there was four other people.

To see the nurses care for us all was a truly amazing experience.

At anytime they could be called upon to attend to any number of jobs, some really difficult ones and others probably more the norm, and during all this time these professional people did their jobs with such a positive attitude and in good spirit.

They were always so polite and helpful and this was the case 24 hours a day and night.

I was and am so very grateful to these angels, as I am sure are so many others who have the good fortune to end up in their care.

I would also like to say how helpful and professional the doctors and specialists were who came round each day to visit each patient and give them a clear understanding of what was planned for their health care.

The teams of cleaners and those who prepared the food were also very polite and did their work in a quite way as not to disturb anyone.

Thank you to every single person who works in our wonderful NHS.

I am just one ordinary person who has had the great fortune to be treated and looked after by them and I will never forget them.

Sean Atkinson, Gillygate, York