I WISH to apologise for ending my previous letter by lumping all Tories together with Boris Johnson, David Davis and Liam Fox.

This was exactly the kind of generalisation I often criticise.

I have plenty of Conservative friends who are as concerned about the destructive folly of Brexit as I am.

Similarly, while I criticise Corbyn and the left-wing EU haters in the Labour party, most Labour party members I know want to remain in the EU.

Nothing is as clear cut as we sometimes seek to portray it.

Opinion polls before the referendum showed that 15 per cent of Ukip voters wanted to remain in the EU.

And among the pro-European Lib-Dems and Greens there are a few siren voices susceptible to the misinformation peddled by some of the national media.

I am heartened by the recent opinion poll that shows over 70 per cent of British voters want freedom of movement to continue and I hope that in the months ahead we all recognise the security that EU membership brings our nation in an uncertain world.

Far more unites the people and cultures of Europe than divides us. Long may that remain so.

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York