WHAT is the point of the Brexit discussions with the EU?

The majority vote in the referendum does not provide David Davis with a negotiating position; it was entirely negative: “We are British; you are not. We don’t need you. We want to be left alone, to our own devices.”

It is now evident that even those politicians who urged a Leave vote want us to enjoy many of the benefits of membership of the EU such as tariff-free trade, security co-operation, pooled research, access to skilled labour, common human rights and being the financial hub of a major trading block.

We cannot deny the import of the referendum vote; but Leave politicians could admit that the stance they adopted - painting the European Union as a bogeyman - was based purely on emotion, and on reflection ceasing to be an EU member is not in the UK’s interest.

Then David Davis can negotiate for us to retain membership in principle and in practice, on condition that we are never to be referred to as being a member.

Maurice Vassie, Deighton