D M DALE is right in all his comments (Letters, June 20).

As a life long republican there is so much wrong with the system when so-called celebrities, entertainers and sports personalities get recognition for something they are highly paid to do in the first instance.

How long will it be before it’s Lord Beckham or Sir Wayne.

The House of Lords is in the same predicament, overloaded with dead weight.

I bet HRH has a list pushed under her nose and told “sign it or else”.

The royal family do not escape from this very well when one of her sons failed in the marines and now stands on the balcony at Buck house in high ranking uniform with several medals. For what?

I am a little like the Lord High Executioner in the Mikado. I have a little list and none of them would be missed.

Keith (soon to be Lord) Isaac of Clifton Moor, Byron Drive, York