AFTER the President of the United States recently ordered a massive 59-cruise missile attack on a Syrian airfield, probably implicated in the recent chemical attack on its own citizens, he went on American media networks to state what had occurred.

At the end of the address he stated “God bless America and God bless the rest of the world”. A large departure from the normal “God bless America”.

Only a few days later he ordered the dropping of what has become known as the mother of all non-nuclear bombs on a mountainous area of Afghanistan.

He seems to be ramping up the violence around the world.

I appreciate that Syria and Afghanistan are very troubled countries and in great turmoil, and we have the added problem of North Korea, with its huge interest in gleaning its own nuclear missiles, but surely the answer is political diplomacy.

From what we know about Donald Trump, he doesn’t appear to me to have much diplomacy in the fibres of his being.

Does the President want to make his mark by obliterating the world?

We live in very dangerous and frightening times with the President of the strongest nation in the world ramping up the pressure increasingly.

As the old saying goes, jaw jaw not war war.

If the President takes military action against North Korea all he will do is ensure both China and Russia take the side of North Korea thus pitting the eastern world against the western world.

God help the world if that is allowed to occur.

Howard Perry, St James Place, Dringhouses, York