STEPHEN LEWIS’ Yesterday Once More feature on Terry’s factory between 1938 (the year I was born) and the 1960s highlights how the workplace has changed over the years (The Press, March 27).

The photographs of the canteen, shop floor and administration offices noticeably are the sole preserve of female workers, although through a magnifying glass I did observe a male or two of nervous disposition running the gauntlet by his presence.

However, one can assume that in the early years, during and after the war years, most males were either conscripted into National Service etc, assigned to one of the armed forces.

Then housewives were expected to run the home and the male dominated as the only wage earner, but the transfer of power is now reserved for the petticoat army.

As for me, ladies, I surrendered years ago.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington, York