RESIDENTS and visitors to York will welcome the latest signs of a political commitment to clean up our traffic polluted air (“York to join National Clean Air Day”, The Press, March 25).

A councillors’ briefing this week made clear that exposure to particulates from diesel engines has been linked to increased risk of low birth weight, diabetes, lung diseases, cardiovascular damage etc.

Nitrogen dioxide from diesels shortens lives on average by five months.

The idea of a “switch off” campaign on June 15 is very welcome.

Let’s targeted not just bus drivers at Rougier Street but areas outside schools and approaches to traffic lights around York.

Many modern cars have stop-start technology, but if not, please switch off your engine while waiting in queues or to pick up children.

It’s now accepted as polite (and the law) to clean up after your dog, why should it be acceptable to waste fuel and damage the health of families walking and cycling to school and in the car behind you (especially drivers of diesel vehicles)?

Small lamp-post reminder signs would also help – simply a “Clean Air York” logo and “switch off” on approaches to traffic lights and around our schools.

Cllr Andy D’Agorne, Green Party, Broadway West, York