I DO wish that writers to readers’ letters in The Press over recent months would desist from referring to people who voted to stay in the EU at last year’s referendum as remoaners.

It is a huge insult.

Even though I voted to remain, I accept the outcome of the referendum, but I do not accept the fact that the current Prime Minister, for the first few months of her premiership, tried to sideline Parliament from the debate.

It took a Supreme Court ruling to pull Theresa May into line and eventually accept that in British law Parliament is supreme and the ruling and input of Members of Parliament cannot be denied.

Members of Parliament are democratically elected to represent our wishes.

The only was they can fulfill their job is by being in possession of the full facts that Mrs May attempted to withhold from them (and is still attempting to do so).

But when we have a Prime Minister who states that she will not give commentaries on this issue to Members of Parliament then she is rightly rebuked by the highest court in the land and the people of the country who voted to remain as, may I remind readers of The Press, did the citizens of York Central.

Do we still live in a democracy?

Howard Perry, St James Place, Dringhouses, York