SO ex-PM Tony Blair has come to the fore in the Brexit campaign and is advising the electorate to stay in the EU.

He must be joking.

How can any trust be put into this man who took Britain into the Iraq War to support ex-President George W Bush, on the premise that Saddam Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction which could be launched against Britain?

Britain and the US declared war on Iraq.

America lost 4,489 military personnel and Britain lost 179 by the time both countries withdrew from Iraq.

All those deaths were totally unnecessary as there was no need for the US or Britain to interfere with the way the Middle East is governed.

Since Iraq was “liberated” (with, later, Libya) total chaos has descended on the Middle East.

That chaos can be totally blamed on Bush and Blair.

Now Blair wants people to follow his “advice” by ditching Brexit and staying in the doomed EU.

His disastrous Iraq adventure illustrates his stay in the EU advice is the final proof that we are doing the right thing in exiting the EU.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge