SO Christian Vassie has not made any New Year resolutions, such as accepting that he lives in a democracy and does not seem to accept that the majority of people who voted, voted to Leave (Letters, January 6).

Some of what he says may come about to be true. Only time will tell of the economic pros and cons of leaving the EU.

This was as much about a protest vote against arrogant politicians telling us what we have got to have and not what we want to have.

I have written before of the arrogance and irresponsible actions of Angela Merkel inviting one million migrants into Germany without making adequate arrangements.

We all know of some of the consequences the German people have had to endure because of her actions.

David Cameron wanted Turkey in the EU, when their political situation just keeps getting worse and worse.

Italy has its own iconic place in the world and yet they have a very large percentage of young people who are unemployed. Try telling them they are better off in the EU.

Christian Vassie talks about workers rights that have been negotiated by being in the EU. Politicians have said some workers in warehouse distribution centres are no better off than people from the Victorian era. Try telling them they are better off by being in the EU.

It is common sense that uncontrolled immigration cannot carry on. A lot of people voted Brexit to try to keep control of their borders.

W Harrison, St Oswald’s Road, York