JANET Kitchen-Cooper and others are shocked and cross that anyone might expect those who want to leave the EU to have a coherent plan on what they want to happen (Letters, September 8).

Expecting those who wish to remain in the EU to have a plan to leave the EU is like asking those whose job it is to maintain the fabric of the Minster to spend time developing a plan for allowing it to fall down.

Should those who want to protect the NHS also be expected to have plans for its privatisation?

Should political parties be expected to produce manifestos for the all other parties in case they don’t have time, the skills or the interest to produce one of their own?

The responsibility to set out what Brexit means and to have a viable coherent costed timetable for delivering it lies squarely with those who wish to see it happen.

If they cannot do that then Brexit must rightly collapse.

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York