HAVE you ever caught the flash of the the sun in your eyes or been blinded by the lights from these LED sidelights or the new high powered headlights on cars?

Have you ever had the stigma of light bulb imposed on your retina? Yes, we all have.

Our eyes are built for using light as an aid for seeing things with and yet over the last 50 or so years we have increasingly used our eyes for a purpose nature never intended them for - staring into light.

With the increased use of televisions, laptops, street lighting and phones, we spend hours on end staring directly into LED lights.

Tests on rats in Taiwan’s University College of Medicine have proven how damaging LED (light-emitting diodes), particularly in the blue band, are to the retina and can cause tissue damage after only nine days of exposure to either blue or cool white LED.

I wonder what long-term damage we are inflicting on young children now constantly exposed to this light.

The problem is only getting worse.

D M Deamer, Penleys Grove Street, Monkgate, York