I HAVE recently noticed what I feel is a worrying trend regarding homelessness and wonder if there is any valid reason for it.

The vast majority of homeless people are male, often quite young men. Why is this? Presumably they did have homes to start with, so what has gone wrong and what can anyone do about it?

As far as I am concerned, men are just as much entitled to have somewhere to live as women; even if the female sex do seem to hold all the cards when it comes to taking over a house – young children perhaps.

Surely it does not mean that men have no rights at all and have to end up with no place to lay their heads, or call their own.

It is about time that someone, somewhere found an answer to this question.

Men are supposed to be the dominant sex, but this certainly does not apply to finding somewhere to live.

Heather Causnett, Escrick, York