EU referendum is a pointless charade Many of your readers may be among those still undecided between voting Leave or Remain in the EU referendum.

No wonder, as both sides make entirely contradictory claims. Also they are mostly relying on the ‘fear factor’ or, worse, exploiting prejudice to gain an advantage.

But a look at the forces behind each campaign reveals a clear fact: both represent the vested interest of business. Big business, which benefits most from open borders and common trading rules, wants to stay in, while smaller firms who trade less abroad tend to favour leaving.

For the rest of us what difference will in or out make? Whether Government officials sit in Whitehall, Brussels or the Town Hall, they will still serve, above and before all, the profit interests of that tiny minority who own and control all the planet’s resources. You and I, the 99 per cent, must live by working for these businesses.

One day we may demand a genuine referendum and vote to empower ourselves. Then we can all take our unique part in running the world. Run it, then for the benefit of all: abandon capitalism’s outdated ‘Can’t pay don’t get’ mentality that distorts and limits production just for the few.

Until then, might I suggest your readers ignore calls to take sides in this pointless EU charade.

My vote will be for the common ownership and democratic control of the means of living, with production only for use and free access for all. My vote is for world socialism.

Norman Burns, Nalton Street, Selby