IT IS hoped that Matthew Laverack interpreted architectural drawings better than he did my response to him regarding the basic income guarantee (Letters, March 14).

Perhaps he was wearing a pair of dodgy reading glasses, or more likely a red mist of hatred for social progress obscured his vision in his haste to attack rather than understand the merits of the citizens’ income.

Because Matthew, please read carefully now, I never mentioned a value for the citizens’ income.

Your quoted £17,000 is the calculated minimum income guarantee or standard required for a family to benefit from work and society.

This figure is often met by working tax credits and other benefits but leaves gaps for people to fall through when in between work and does not help those unable to work or unable to claim.

Mr Laverack is extremely rude and condescending to struggling workers and families trying to make ends meet with his bizarre accusation it would all be wasted on booze and fags, tattoos and ear piercings.

How odd.

Tom Scaife, Manor Drive, York