S RANKINE is spot on in saying that the council has lost sight of its role in relation to York Central (Letters, February 5).

The council has never understood its role. It should be shaping the development of an area that will define the city for decades to come, but all it has ever done is sought to encourage developers to come in and do whatever they want.

A telling comparison is between York and Heidelberg in Germany.

When Heidelberg’s old railway yards by the central station became vacant, they got busy.

Instead of hoping developers would bring a long-term view about how to go ahead, Heidelberg’s council formed a consortium with a regional bank and a property development company and bought half the site.

They created a blueprint that all buildings should be built to passive house standard – schools, homes, business premises – so that new homes, for example, would cost just £50 a year to heat.

The plan included a new tram line and district heating.

They then invited architects and developers to submit plans that fitted the brief.

Go there now and you find Heidelberg’s amazing sustainable future.

There are thousands of new jobs and homes fit for the 21st century, in the heart of their city.

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York