I WILL happily answer Matthew Laverack. Shame he did not have the manners to answer my question.

A 50 per cent affordable housing policy would provide 50 per cent affordable housing on all sites whereas a 50 per cent viability policy provides less, therefore the 34 per cent affordable homes that the policy did.

Two facts to consider. Affordable housing policy was brought in by John Major’s Conservative Government. City of York Council’s affordable policy has been 20 per cent on greenfield, 30 per cent brownfield since 2011 – lower than surrounding councils.

Again I ask Matthew, will he pay more tax to pay for the increase in housing benefit that will result as more people living in the private rented sector reach retirement?

Secondly is he as a landlord willing to decrease rent levels to those over state retirement age living in his properties and show he has a social consciencecious?

PS. Mr Holt – the current Government plan to sell council and now housing association homes off at a rate that will put Mrs T’s work in the shade – and a majority will end in the private rent sector adding to the Housing Benefit Bill, a majority of which is now paid to those in work and retired.

Tracey Simpson-Laing, Amberley Street, York