I HAVE noticed an unfortunate tendency by businesses located along Acomb Road to describe themselves as being in Acomb.

Some estate agents are also guilty of similar misrepresentation, when describing the location of properties. I have to inform them that they are actually located in Holgate.

Acomb Road leads to Acomb and becomes York Road at Regent Buildings, which is the border between the two suburbs. Holgate Beck crosses under the road there, and is the historic boundary.

Acomb Primary School on West Bank plus Acomb Police Station need to be renamed, to correctly reflect their geographical location.

In case anyone is in any doubt as to where all Holgate’s boundaries lie, a past local historian, the late David A.A. Lodge, paid for Holgate signs to be erected on lamp posts at every road entry into our suburb. Let us hope that its identity is not subsumed into Acomb in future years.

Paul Hepworth, Windmill Rise, Holgate, York.