THE general election looms and people considering the Tory pledge, offering a referendum of ‘in or out’ membership of the EU and Ukip’s stated intent of ‘out’, must bear in mind the following facts.

In 1986 Margaret Thatcher, unreservedly at the time, signed Britain into the Single European Act (now known as the EU or EEC) which opened up free barriers on the movement of goods, services, money and people across Europe, however the electorate should bear in mind the nation of Norway.

Norway, remains outside the EU, but still wishes to trade with the old “Common Market”. To do this they have to agree to the rules of that market allowing the free movement of goods, money, services and people.

No doubt similar conditions would apply to Britain if we were to withdraw from the EU thus making withdrawal not as easy as the Tory’s and Ukip would have us believe.

People considering voting Tory or Ukip on the fact of withdrawing Britain from the EEC, but still wanting to trade with the old “Common Market”, should think seriously, because Britain will be bound by the rules that apply to Norway, that is if Britain wishes to trade with the old “Common Market”.

Nobody and no country can change the rules of a ‘club’ if they are not members of that club.

Howard Perry, St James Place, Dringhouses, York.