IS THERE distinct negative and sparse coverage by the BBC and Sky of the Conservative 2015 General Election campaign?

The distinction between interviewing Labour and Conservative spokespersons is absolutely despicable and the aggressive way these channels have of speaking, interrupting and virtually preventing the interviewee from speaking is getting worse.

One only has to tune into Question Time each week to see how the audiences are loaded and how David Dimbleby allows any panel member to speak without interruption just as long as they waffle on about what a bad job the Tories have done over the past five years.

I believe it was Liam Byrne, Labour, who left a note to say there was “No money left” when David Cameron took over.

If only Labour had continued to govern at that time, I wonder what state the country would be in today.

It really is food for thought when we cast our vote in May.

K Exton, Wheldrake, York