ON BBC Radio York I heard a councillor announcing the big spring clean up to improve the look of the city.

How ironic then that 30 minutes earlier I had seen a council employee cutting a grass verge in Heworth and as normal left grass and mud all over the pavement, driveways and the road, with no attempt to clear it up.

Those of us lucky enough to have a grass verge near our homes have this to look forward to another six or seven times this year.

No one I have spoken to, be they councillor, officer of the council or the local police, appears in the slightest bit interested in doing anything yet if I or any other citizen was to do the same we would soon face positive action.

To be fair to the man on the mower, he was using a machine without any grass collecting gear and had not got a shovel and brush with him either.

Keith Woodland, Galtres Road, York.