I WAS amused by Ken Holmes’ letter of February 19 saying that men who sent Valentine’s roses to a loved one were either short of a shilling, madly in love or overburdened by cash.

My husband of 43 years is none of those things, but for as long as I can remember he sends me red roses, which are gratefully received and placed lovingly on display.

Sadly they do not last that long. I cannot think of a gift nowadays that gives so much pleasure without spending a fortune.

I expect modern girls would demand something that costs a great deal more than the modest £25 or so spent on flowers.

They can light up a room and I cannot bear to throw them away until the last bloom is on its last legs.

If giving roses are really a sign of madness, then I hope that my husband continues showing this trait for many years to come.

Heather Causnett, Escrick Park Gardens, Escrick, York.