OLIVER House on Priory Street was a brilliantly run council care home, perfectly positioned and accessible to all.

We are all aware of the chaotic scenes at numerous A&Es this Christmas. One of the prime reasons is what is known as bed blocking. Let no one dare blame the patient or the staff. It is down to the failed Lib-Lab-Con political dogma that plagues our NHS.

It beggars belief then the cherished Oliver House is to be sold. Selling such an important asset is surely pure mismanagement. All government agencies have confirmed that residential care is already in short supply. Moreover the ageing population is going to place an even greater burden on NHS services.

So what does York Labour party do? Closes and sells off a vital resource.

The NHS is not safe in Labour’s hands. Remember Mid Staff’s Hospital and all those placed in special measures.

Oliver House will not affect you until a loved one is left on a trolley in a corridor, still in the ambulance or abandoned fretting at home. I urge every reader to campaign against this decision.

Ukip would never allow such a decision. Vote Ukip and preserve our public services. You can join like minded Ukip people on our Facebook page or phone 07885698904.

Paul Abbott Ukip Branch Secretary, Prospective Parliamentary candidate, York Outer.