I CAN agree with a lot of Christian Vassie’s comments in his letter (The Press, January 12), regarding the aspect of solar power increasing by around 53 times in the past eight years and that homes in York are now generating electricity.

But I find it difficult to comprehend his final comment, when he states: “That is why fracking belongs not to our future but to our past.”

I hope he is right in his thinking, but the fact is that if the Tories win the General Election in May, then you can guarantee that they will push millions if not billions of pounds towards the companies who plan to exploit and abuse our natural habitat for their own profits, via tax incentives and favourable business terms while the companies concerned hide away in tax evading, offshore places, or chose to use these places to bank in.

What is needed is for the people of Britain to understand that the structure of our small island of Britain is totally different to the vast areas of America, whose policy we are following, and even in certain areas of America people are still being blighted by contaminated water sources and subsidence problems to their properties.

Howard Perry, St James Place, Dringhouses, York.