YET again the price of Park and Ride bus tickets are to rise (The Press, December 12).

This rise cannot be justified. In your report, Neil Ferris, assistant director for Highways, Transport and Waste, says that the service is “the best and busiest in the country”.

That may be so, but to also state that the rise is in line with national inflation and earnings proves that the rise is not necessary.

Bus fares and other prices should only increase if the costs increase.

It is evident that this is not the case.

They say that the passenger numbers are continuing to rise – surely that means more revenue to offset the cost of providing the service, therefore prices should be going down. Also I believe prices went up last year due to the cost of fuel. I believe the pages of the newspaper state that cost of fuel is constantly falling, therefore another reason to reduce the charges.

Park and Ride and other bus services should not use fares for money-raising.

Michael Mason, Whitby Drive, York.