AT THE beginning of this year, two road name signs disappeared from the start of our cul-de-sac.

This was reported to the council in February. A number of emails followed, then everything went silent. A sign did appear at some point about ten feet up a lamppost on the far side of the road, but none on the ground at eye level.

A short while ago, two poles appeared on the grass verges from where the original signs had been taken.

These poles stood for a few days like branch-less trees, until last Monday, when they evolved into giant lollipops, with a 20 at one side and a 30 at the other. Workmen have been along the main road putting up these signs and the majority have been at the beginning of short cul-de-sacs.

Drivers are really going to have to speed up if they are to comply with the 20mph sign.

This council is forever pleading poverty, telling us there is no money for anything, unless it happens to be in the city centre, cutting services, proposing even more cuts, closing facilities and yet here they are, spending our money on signs that are unwanted, unnecessary and serve no useful purpose.

Regards and a Merry Christmas to all.

Janet S Kitchen-Cooper, Ashley Park Road, York.