ON THE face of it, building a flyover over the Hopgrove roundabout complex seems a wonderful idea as it would keep the East Coast traffic moving – until it came to a halt as the dual carriageway merged into the single carriageway half a mile further on.

The “dualled” construction of the A64 right up to Hopgrove is admirable; the single-carriageway A1237 is not. Likewise, the single carriageway A64, post the Hopgrave interchange.

It beggars belief that the A64 “dualling” ends shortly after the Hopgrove roundabout. The A64 should be a dual carriage-way all the way to Scarborough. Similarly the A1237 should have been built as a dual carriageway.

The cost to “dual” both roads would be astronomical but, if future traffic is to be kept moving and not coming to a total halt, as at present, both schemes are the only answer. Will either be done? I’ll be polishing my binoculars to watch the squadrons of pigs flying by.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.