YET again we see the same old anti-car statements from Paul Hepworth (Letters, November 24).

While he is correct in saying dualling the A1237 and grade separating its junctions would be expensive, it would be money well spent and be of benefit to all York residents.

Paul then goes on to say about visual impact, which would be no worse than the cycle track being added to this road.

He also mentions the worn-out anti-car statement of “you can’t build your way out of chaos”. Well, I am sorry to say, this council has built its way into chaos. It is this stagnation and failure to keep up with demand by following anti-car policies that has led to chaos.

It is about time non-drivers in this city stopped dictating to motorists how to run their lives and where to live.

Ian Foster, Hawthorne Avenue, Haxby, York.