THE snobbery the Labour politician Emily Thornberry displayed when she tweetedput the photograph of the house with the Cross of St George flags hanging outside says it all.

The Labour Party was formed to represent the working man and woman in their struggle for better wages and working conditions.

Unfortunately one “progression” of the Labour Party was the ever-more militant unions and their “closed shop” rulings. Luckily, the inspired leadership of Maggie Thatcher defeated this militancy, leading to much fairer employment practices.

However, Labour was still formed from genuine working class people. Then came Tony Blair and New Labour.

Since then, Labour has moved further away from the working people of old. Now the leadership of Labour and, in all fairness, all other parties is in the hands of people who have never done an honest day’s work. Because of this they haven’t a clue about actually working for a living.

Having seen what a sneering bunch these people are, itthere is little wonder that Ukip is going from strength to strength.

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.