WHATEVER ones thoughts on free movement across Europe, legal and illegal immigration, asylum and sanctuary, the bottom line is that all the world cannot live in the UK.

At 64 million are we have we reached the stage of “one out, one in”.

David Cameron promised to reduce the net inflow to tens of thousands; last year it was a quarter of a million.

We are building half that number of houses. This suggests taking one step forward and two back.

Before York council starts carving up the green belt with its local plan, it needs assurance from the Government of light at the end of the tunnel of this influx.

Failing a significant reduction, we will be saying goodbye to much more of the green belt. The Labour government started the onslaught when it opened the floodgates in 2004.

York’s Labour Party have continued to it be declare York as a city of sanctuary, which is a noble and compassionate gesture, but once again there are too many people in the world.

Were the 4,500 people on the city housing waiting list consulted about this?

K A Roworth, Reighton Avenue, York.