UP TO 100 families in Somerset, who have not been back to their homes for 12 months due to flooding, face another winter of discontent and further flooding, while our Government donates millions to flood defences abroad.

At the same time, our National Health Service is in ruins and it has been suggested that taxes are increased to cover the shortfall in expenditure; and our Government once again is giving away millions in foreign aid to solve the same problems we have at home, with no guarantee that the money is being spent in the right places and not going into the wrong pockets.

This is only being done so that David Cameron can improve his image on the world stage. God help us if Ed Miliband wins the election, because to improve his image, which is at rock bottom, he would have to spend many more millions.

Which ever party comes into power in 2015, I hope they remember, charity begins at home.

A P Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.