I AM thankfully retired and do not have to suffer the torture of driving into York each weekday.

Now this council of ours has announced that it intends to spend more taxpayers’ money to get experts in to solve the traffic problems.

Problems they have mainly caused.

A few radical and simple things will ease the problem.

You could start by getting rid of the traffic lights installed on nearly every junction around the city – there are five on Fulford Road alone – and then by making changes to roads out of and into York at peak times.

Surely between 7.30am and 9.30am all incoming traffic should have free flow and likewise between 4pm and 6pm all outgoing traffic should have free flow.

Where these lights are, they operate out of sync with others lights and allow only a small number of vehicles through at a time, so it’s stop-and-go.

Try leaving the lights at green longer to increase traffic flow.

The public needs access to the city not only to work, but to visit, socialise and shop and not to be stuck in traffic.

So please stop thinking of ways of stopping cars and frustrating motorist and try common sense for a change, because the car will not go away.

John Norman, Main Street, Wheldrake.