IN REPLY to the letter ‘Beggars belief’ by P Long in The Press of September 10, I wonder what good the writer thinks that “removing these individuals” will do.

Unless they are doing something wrong there is no cause, and in fact no legal reason, to move them on.

While I agree with the principle of not giving money directly to people, has the letter writer ever considered stopping and talking to these people and perhaps buying them something to eat or buying a Big Issue from them, if applicable?

Homelessness is not a choice or due to personal weakness and there are many causes, both personal – eg mental health – and also relating to society in general, such as high unemployment and poverty caused by a unequal distribution of wealth.

York may be affluent in comparison to some northern cities, but it still has social problems and is it not better to try and solve these rather than brush them under the carpet as he seems to suggest?

Gareth Oliver, The Groves, York.