THE Press should stop its prevarication concerning low-paid jobs and poverty in York and support a citizens’ income.

What nonsense to talk about entrepreneurs being encouraged as the solution to low pay because most people would still have too little cash even if this were successful.

York is blessed with better paid public sector employment. Most private businesses, the council and landlords are sustained by taxpayers’ expenditure.

Without this public-sector investment, York would be an employment disaster zone.

According to the Prince’s Trust charity most young people feel that they have nothing to live for.

This isn’t going to change by The Press supporting employment fantasies that are as much use as a chocolate fire-guard, nothing more than window dressing and tinkering at the edges.

Get off the fence and support a citizens’ income and national mortgage bank for cheap rent and affordable lease-lend housing.

Also publish truthfully the required minimum income for survival without benefits and charity which would reveal to MPs in York the hypocrisy of them accepting a rise equivalent to what I perceive should be the citizens’ income for all.

Tom Scaife, Manor Drive, York.