SURELY it’s time for a change to our voting system.

Over the last thirty years this country has had the heart ripped out of it. Loyalty, morals and standards are substandard. We now own next to nothing. Nearly all our once great industries have been sold off and we are left paying a greatly inflated price to import things we once produced, at a cost to us all.

No proper jobs for young people, zero hours flexi contracts with no prospects.

Any one party should not be allowed to inflict such long-term destruction and despair.

The Tories sold off the council houses; we now have private landlords owning almost full streets and no new council properties built, leading to severe shortage of affordable housing.

Tony Blair took us to war and it’s now looking like it may happen again with a devastating effect long term.

I would like to see a genuine coalition of all parties working together for the common good of all.

Proper jobs with apprenticeships and contracts that actually mean something.

People need to be able to feel worthy and proud to be British once again.

A friend’s son who was working for the council went to work one morning to be told “go home, no hours available today”.

Things must change. Give us a future, for God’s sake.

David Edge, Elm Park View, Stockton Lane, York.