IN RESPONSE to the letter of August 11 by AP Cox regarding the overgrown gutters and the encroachment of brambles and hedges on to the footpaths of Holgate.

In John F Kennedy’s inauguration speech of 1961, he said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

If Mr Cox was to take secateurs or a strong pair of scissors, he would in no time at all clear the offending obstructions from the walkways. He would find that giving them a trim once or twice a week would keep them in check.

When out walking Pippa the dog down by the River Foss, I trim the brambles back on a regular basis, keeping all the footpaths accessible.

If you took it upon yourself to clean the gutters outside your own home and anyone’s you know who may be incapable of maintaining there own frontage, you might be able to instil a bit of community pride into your area.

Who knows, you might get a nomination for next year’s Community Pride awards.

DM Deamer, Penleys Grove Street, Monkgate, York.