I BELIEVE residents have been delivered a blow on the issue of refurbishing toilet facilities. The deal was to have the toilets put out to tender for someone to refurbish the toilets and impose a charge to allow them to run them, not as a loss, but to cover costs and provide income.

In the course of the negotiations they were allowed to have a retail unit (where possible) to provide additional income to run the improved facility. In Exhibition Square we are getting a scheme changing from 13 toilets down to seven, not counting the urinals, which would take the figure to 17 down to seven. This seven includes a disabled toilet and all are charged a fee of 40p. The scheme also includes a retail unit.

Moving to the Union Terrace coach and car park, we have seen the toilet block close both the ladies and gentlemen’s toilets, to be replaced by two unisex cubicles, one disabled cubicle and one that instead of the radar key you have to phone a number and give your details to be given a code to open the door. All this on a large car park that also caters for coach visitors.

I have been to three garden centres and a supermarket this week and all of them have provided better toilet facilities.

Cllr Brian W. J. E. Watson, Independent, Guildhall ward, City of York Council.