MOST of us will share Julian Sturdy’s wish to see state action to address the danger of antibiotic resistant ‘super-bugs,’ and welcome his intention to take the action open to him (The Press, July 11).

I notice, however, that he does not mention the fact that bacterial resistance to antibiotics was exacerbated by the use of antibiotics by the farming industry to accelerate the growth of animals intended for human consumption.

This is another example of the misuse he quotes, which has increased sales and proved profitable to the global pharmaceutical companies.

The prime minister’s role, which Mr Sturdy refers to, in launching a Commission on Antibiotic Resistance is at odds with his actively promoting the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

One of the aims of the TTIP is to enable global big business to overrule governments and deny them the right to place any restrictions on food imports.

State restrictions on hormone-treated beef, antibiotic-treated meat,and genetically modified organisms will not be permitted if they reduce the producers’ profits. It is time the public was fully informed of the public health impact of the TTIP.

Maurice Vassie, Deighton, York.