THE petty point-scoring by opposition politicians, locally and nationally, who claim an overriding wisdom which they did not exhibit when in office, shows how fortunate it is that this country is a member of the European Union.

When formulating regulations on certain matters vital to the common good of all Britons – such as childcare, public health, working conditions, pollution control and animal welfare – the EU works by seeking and finding consensus. The national governments and the MEPs across Europe represent a wide range of political opinion, from far right to far left.

Since the regulations are proposed by the Council of Ministers from all the member governments, and are thrashed out in committees of MEPs drawn from all parties, they reflect those minimum policies that all can agree on as acceptable.

The EU approach permits forward planning by consensus on these vital issues and removes them from the short-term wrangling by electioneering politicians that exasperates many voters. Our British input is via those we elect – Cabinet ministers of our Government and our MEPs.

Maurice Vassie, Deighton, York.