IT SEEMS that Coun George Barton is unaware of his own Conservative group’s ten per cent affordable housing policy (Letters, April 7).

I would like to explain to him what Labour has delivered since 2011 and how this would not have been realised under local Conservative policy.

Housing developments completed or part completed (and onsite) since 2011 will deliver a total of 166 affordable homes under the Labour council’s affordable homes targets.

Under the ten per cent Conservative policy, only 66 affordable homes would have been delivered.

Housing developments negotiated and agreed will deliver 432 affordable homes under our policy, while the Conservative target would only bring forward a further 163 affordable homes.

I would therefore ask Coun Barton how he can state that Labour has not delivered affordable homes for York, when to date, either being lived in, being constructed or about to start construction, the total is 598 when a Conservative policy would only deliver 229 – which is 369 fewer than under our target.

Labour has and is delivering affordable homes, unlike the Conservatives who would sooner see those who cannot afford to buy or rent in the private sector moving out of the city.

Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing, Cabinet member for health housing & adult social service.