MANY interesting letters appear in The Press. Some complain of councils misspending; others make personal comments, which can detract from a good point.

I will never complain where councillors make efforts to budget and spend on projects for the benefit of York citizens. I do wish, however, that a reasonable balance between the requirements for tourism and housing and jobs in manufacturing and growing were at the front of minds in all debates.

York has let slip in 25 years the employment provided in its industrial sector. This had a greater mix of skills and the appropriate rewards which make a local economy more viable. Useful and varied employment has many social advantages, not just financial.

The use of brown-field sites for housing only has a negative long-term effect if no industrial capacity remains.

Land is at a premium; its use and planning is important in shaping the type of York we will see in the future. Tourism and education should only be part of this. Efforts to increase industry should have equal priority.

Phil Crowder, York Road, Haxby, York.