I WISH to thank The Press for the publication of the photograph and caption with regards to our Old Boys Reunion (St George’s) on Friday, November 16. I appreciate that The Press has limited space and has to edit items at their discretion, so please allow me to fill in a few gaps.

The evening was considered to be a huge success and has set the seeds for the reunion to become an annual event.

This was not a sportsman’s reunion yet boasted at least 12 former professional rugby league players and many former highly respected amateur players.

As stated in the article there were two former Lord Mayors: Ken King, still a serving councillor, and David Wilde, a former teacher at St George’s and All Saints. Norman Fowler, aka Steve Cassidy, musician, composer and playwright, who was also a guest, was a teacher and head of St George’s Primary School in Fishergate (not a replacement for the senior school, that was All Saints).

The icing on the cake was the presence of Mary Sellers, accompanied by her son, John. Mrs Sellers late husband, Peter, was an iconic teacher still held in high regard by former pupils to this day.

The widow of another highly thought-of teacher, George Brown, was also invited, but was unable to attend.

The raffle tickets sold by Terry Bellwood and Tony Clarke raised more than £200 which will go towards future reunions. Thanks to everyone who attended and to Lily and staff at the Tramways WMC.

Tom Sweeney, St George’s Old Boys Association, York