I ENTIRELY agree with your editorial on housing published on November 28.

As an architect with children who will struggle to find homes in York that are affordable, I have a particular interest in the potential of housing over shops to alleviate the housing shortage in York and actively revive the city centre by encouraging people to live there.

While it is gratifying to note that money is to be allocated to assess the potential for housing, it would appear you are potentially unaware of City of York Council’s previous history in this respect.

York Civic Trust’s annual report in 2005 concisely set out the facts. It is not known who the author was, but it is suspected that it was written by the late Patrick Nuttgens.

The article identified Ann Petherick as a recognised expert in the field of Living Over The Shop, but to my knowledge neither City of York Council nor Joseph Rowntree Foundation has taken advantage of her expertise.

A great deal of previous robust research that is still relevant could easily be ignored, with the result that all parties involved may well repeat all the mistakes of the past.

Chris Walker, Royal Institute of British Architects.