New blue badge parking bays in York city centre will come into operation next week, the council announced.

Five new long-stay parking spaces will be available for blue badge holders from Tuesday (May 21) as part of a six-month trial.

The bays – approved by City of York Council’s executive last month – will be in Lendal, Blake Street and Davygate.

As The Press reported, two bays will be in Blake Street outside McDonald's, one in Lendal outside the former post office and two in Davygate outside Betty's.

In Blake Street and Lendal blue badge holders will be able to park in the spaces for an unlimited period outside of 6am to 10.30am, when the bays will be used for loading.

These streets are pedestrianised during the day but blue badge holders can park in them during the foot street hours, City of York Council previously said.

York Press: Where the two blue badge parking bays in Davygate will beWhere the two blue badge parking bays in Davygate will be (Image: Newsquest)

In Davygate blue badge holders will be able to park in the spaces outside of the current foot street hours (10.30am to 5pm).

Cllr Pete Kilbane, City of York Council’s transport boss at the time of the decision, previously said the council would monitor the bays once they are in use and encouraged people to offer feedback on their experiences “whether positive or negative”.

Residents are encouraged to share feedback on the trial to the council before Wednesday, November 20.

In a letter to residents, Darren Hobson, City of York Council’s traffic management team leader, said: “Depending on users’ experiences, adjustments may be made to the bays which would initiate the start of a further six-month consultation period.

“A formal decision on the ETRO (experimental traffic regulation order) would then be required within 18 months of date when the bays first opened.”

When the plans were approved, Cllr Kilbane said: “Sometimes blue badge holders need longer than the three hours allowed for parking on double yellow lines so I’m pleased we can provide this additional option, building on Labour’s earlier decision to reverse the blue badge access ban.

“We thank York Access Forum, and all the disabled people who engaged in this process, for their valuable contribution to this decision.”

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He added: “Once the bays are in place the council will monitor their use, and we encourage people to offer feedback on their experiences, whether positive or negative.

“This will enable us to review the arrangement and make sure it is working as it should.

“The fact we had no public speakers at the meeting I think indicates the consultation we’ve already carried out has been largely positive and that we’re following the right process.”

Ahead of the plans being approved, a spokesperson for the York Disability Rights Forum’s access group told The Press they welcomed the provision of the parking bays but “would have preferred them to be for extended hours (say, half a day) rather than unlimited hours”.