York is set for a naked protest against the use of cars and fossil fuels.

The annual York World Naked Bike Ride is to take place on the afternoon of Saturday June 29.

The event is to leave the Fulford side of the Millenium Bridge at 4.15pm and follow a 7-mile route through the city centre and using an off-road cycle track before returning to Millenium Bridge around 5.50pm.

Last year’s event saw 50 cyclists enjoy a 5-mile circular route from Millennium Bridge via York Racecourse, The Mount, Lendal Bridge, Deansgate past York Minster, Whipmawhopmagate, Coppergate, Clifford Tower and back to Millennium Bridge.


En route they paused at the place on the cycle path across the racecourse where a college student died when she was in collision with a lorry as she cycled home, and at Clifford’s Tower where they displayed their banner.

The route for this year is still to be determined, following consultation with the police.

And an after-party is planned afterwards.

Organiser John Cossham said of the event, which first took place in 2006: “It's a global clothing-optional protest against oil dependency and car culture and a celebration of cycling and the power and individuality of our bodies. Basically it's as much fun as you can have on a bike in one day, it's free and in a great cause!”

“The York ride is easy and upbeat. Riders decorate their bodies and bikes with messages of protest against oil dependency and the destructive effects of car culture.

York Press: A couple enjoy the day out

“The ride is strictly clothing-optional, and no one will pressure you to wear more or less than you wish.”

John continued on Facebook: “We ride come rain or shine, so come prepared for the predicted weather. The ride is free of charge and everyone is welcome to join (but 'minors' must be accompanied by a parent or guardian).

“We generally set off in the late afternoon sunshine, looking resplendent in remarkable costumes, body paint, riding our decorated bikes. The route is worked out carefully each year and is different every time. It does always include the city centre and various other landmarks of cycling and culture in York.

He added: “The last fifteen rides (2006-2023) have been successful in conveying our messages, as we use the naked aspect as a way to lever in media interest and this enables us to get Press Releases and letters published.

“The cheering public is generally very supportive. The rides are fun and liberating, and show that some people are comfortable with their 'ordinary body'.

However, whilst praising North Yorkshire Police for their support in the past, a policy change, which has also affected Remembrance Day Parades, means police say they will no longer offer traffic control, leaving the organisers to work with them and supporters on how they can handle this themselves.