A YORK man is close to finishing a hundred-day long challenge to raise vital funds for his friend's cancer treatment.

Nick Nixon is nearing his 100th consecutive five kilometre run. He embarked on the daily challenge to raise money so that his friend Adam Gray can pay for cancer treatment overseas.

The 38-year-old has raised £1,120 so far since setting out on his quest on February 3.

The challenge has included late night outings in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, runs along the Cornish cliffs in St Austell and runs around Wimbledon.

The father-of-two was inspired to help out his friend when a fundraising plea for treatment coincided with a charity challenge set by his employer, sports consultancy Performance54.


Nick said: "As a 6ft 2in, lumbering 17-plus stone man nearing his 40s I was absolutely not cut out for this challenge but that was part of the appeal.

"Recognising Adam and his family must be going through hell, I wanted to make the challenge as hard as possible to help encourage people to support my fundraising efforts.

"I am incredibly grateful for the kind donations I’ve received so far and the amazing support I’ve received from friends, family and co-workers. I know Adam and his family echo those sentiments."

The final run in Nick's challenge will take place on Sunday, May 12. Those who want to donate to the challenge, can do so via the link here: www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/nick-nixon-5k-a-day-4-100-days.